Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


Becoming a technical implementation unit in the field of Public Relations, Promotion, and Protocol that supports Universitas Trisakti to be a reliable university, and an international standard while still paying attention to local values in developing science, technology, art, and culture to improve the quality of life and civilization.


  1. Promote the roles of Universitas Trisakti in producing human resources who have intellectual abilities, international standards, and have a character of Trikrama Trisakti through education and teaching activity.

  2. Disseminate research activity to develop science, technology, and art based on local values to answer national problems and improve the quality of life and civilization

  3. Creating a positive image by maintaining harmonious relationships, both inside and outside the university by publicizing Universitas Trisakti’s roles in supporting the public needs and industry through community service activity.  

  4. Implementing and socializing Universitas Trisakti’s commitment to upholding good university governance.

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