Brief History

Brief History

Universitas Trisakti as one of the largest universities in Indonesia, and every step of its activity will be a concern for the public. For that reason, need public awareness to always maintain and improve the image that has been formed so far. Information and publication must be sustainable and informed to the public. If the internal public lacks information, it may result in a wrong perception, especially regarding actions resulting from leadership policies. Furthermore, communication barriers caused a variety of information received. Not often, the improvement of each faculty on the work unit is not known by internal campus residents, because information channels are not effective, or because they do not know where the information should be conveyed. Therefore, it felt that campus condition is so dynamic and have a lot of information, it is possible there will be information that is less known by the campus community. Perhaps due to busyness or an indifferent attitude towards information provided, make public does not know the information about campus developments or there is a work unit that does not forward the information across the work unit on campus.

Official relations need to be improved to reach uniformity in thinking and acting. Apart from that, to maintain the image and maintain relationships with Usakti externally, needed communication to be a bridge between the leader and academic community between campus residents and with parties outside the campus. Based on that reason and with the increasingly rapid information from various parties into Universitas Trisakti, and to process the information to be an effective synergy, so on August 1990, with the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, which at that time was led by Rector Mulyatno Sindhudarmoko SE,  Number: 088/Usakti/SKR/ VII/90 established PUBLIC RELATIONS Support Unit.

This unit is led by a head of Public Relation who have a bachelor’s degree, is responsible directly to the Rector, and is in echelon IIa. It can be said, that Usakti was the pioneer in establishing Public Relations in university. As time went by, Public Relations at that time ended its existence on June 30, 1994, with the Rector’s Decree Number: 067.a/USAKTI/SKR/VI/1994 about Alignment of the Organizational Structure of Universitas Trisakti. This decision includes the Implementation of Universitas Trisakti Administration which has tasks to provide administration service for students, employees, and the leader of Universitas Trisakti for the overall benefit of Universitas Trisakti and for the external public who is interested.

In alignment with the Organizational Structure of Universitas Trisakti in 1994, Public Relations reduced the scope of its duties to only section level and was located in one part of the Rectorat Secretariat. In its development, Public Relations Usakti was in line with the development of Universitas Trisakti and then the management saw that communication really important. So started from January 1999, the Public Relations division was separated from the Rectorat Secretariat and then became the Public Relations Technical Implementation Unit for Universitas Trisakti (UPT Humas Usakti), in accordance with the Decree of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti Number: 003/USAKTI/SKR/I/99 January 4, 1999.


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