Admission for New Students 2024/2025
Embark on your journey to success at Trisakti University! New Student Admission Paths: Entrance Screening Exam PSSB (Report Card Score Selection) Transfer Prepare yourself for the Entrance Screening Exam on December 9-10, 2023. Let’s work together to achieve your success!

Trisakti English Club
*Dear fellow lecturers* *We proudly invite you to join the Trisakti English Club.* Don’t let language barriers hinder you from becoming part of the global community. Take your first step with us. We will provide an interactive way to practice your English with our native facilitator. The event will be held on: Day/ Date :Friday,

Talkshow “Preventing Deviant Behavior in Adolescents from a Spiritual Perspective”
Deviant behavior refers to all actions undertaken by individuals or social groups that are inconsistent with or go against the norms prevailing in society. Deviant behavior encompasses all actions performed by individuals or social groups that deviate from or go against the prevailing norms in society. These norms, which manifest as values and norms, dictate