
2nd BIMKRAF Workshop: Cans Painting
The Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) Universitas Trisakti held a 2nd BIMKRAF Workshop with a theme: Cans Painting on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at N Building Gallery, Campus A Universitas Trisakti. This Workshop is also attended by faculty leaders and FSRD 2023 students who actively participated in creating their skills of cans painting. Dean of The Faculty of Art and Design, Dr. Sangayu Ketut Laksemi Nilotama, M.Ds., said that this Workshop can train the student’s creativity and sensitivity to the environment.
In this Workshop, the used cans of food and drink as a medium can be an alternative for producing artwork and also support an SDG program to reduce trash so the used cans can be a new product with a new function.
We hope that with this workshop, there will be new potential from Trisakti students to produce products from recycling and also as a first step in producing a good product for entrepreneurship.