
Nest of Peace Library from South Korea visited the May 12, 1998 Tragedy Museum at Universitas Trisakti
Nest of Peace Library from South Korea visited the May 12, 1998 Tragedy Museum at Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. Their interest in history, especially the reformation in 1998 is the main reason for the Nest of Peace to visit the Museum.

A total of 15 visitors attended and watched the explanation about all things in the museum. At the end of the activity, all visitors took the time to see and take photos in front of the May 12, 1998 Tragedy Monument which is located in the courtyard of Universitas Trisakti.

Nest of Peace is a library in South Korea that focuses on peace, human rights, and environmental issues. One of their main concern is about Genocide. Before visiting the May 12,1998 Tragedy Museum, Nest of Peace which is located in Paju, South Korea also did an Exchange Program with Cinta Baca Library, Bogor on October 23-24, 2023.
Hopefully, this visit from the Nest of Peace Library will further introduce the history of Indonesia which can be of benefit to the world community.