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Monday, 23 October 2023
Oleh: adminpromosi

Collaborative Visit Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti to POLRI Kramat Jati Hospital

On Monday, October 23, 2023, the Head of POLRI Hospital (KARUMKIT) welcomed students and representatives from the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Universitas Trisakti in the clinical exposure round which was part of the network hospital collaboration between the Forensic Odontology module professional program FKG Universitas Trisakti and POLRI Kramat Jati Hospital.

This activity was opened by KARUMKIT POLRI Hospital, Brigjen.Pol Dr. Hariyanto Sp.Pd. In his speech, KARUMKIT said welcome and thank you for the visit and trust to collaborate with POLRI Hospital. He hopes that this collaboration can increase the insight and development of the profession students of Universitas Trisakti on many forensic cases that can be met at the forencik installation in POLRI Kramat Jati Hospital.

The representatives from the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti are Vice Dean III drg. Abdul Gani Soulisa M.PH, Head of Profession Dr. Drg Anggraeny Putri,Sp.BMM, PJ Forencik Module drg. Rizki Tanjung, MM, M.Si, MARS, Sp.OF and Modul Secretary Siti Salsabila SKG M.Si said thank you for the collaboration opportunity from POLRI Hospital and hoped that this collaboration would go well for both parties, also could provide extraordinary knowledge for all FKG Trisakti Student in terms of Forencik Odontologi Modul.

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