
Densrun 2023 by Bureau II BEM Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti
On Sunday, October 22, 2023, Bureau II BEM Faculty of Dentistry Trisakti University held a fun run activity, DENSRUN with the theme “Temple Run”. DENSRUN was held at Ecopark, Ancol with 5 km route. DENSRUN aims to improve physical health and relieve boredom from daily activities, especially for all Trisakti University communities.
More than 350 participants also attended this event. Representatives from the Dean of Dentistry Faculty, Trisakti University, drg. Sheila Soesanto, M.K.G who opened this event thanked all who participated in Densrun 2023 and followed by cutting the ribbon as a sign of the inauguration of the event.
All participants were presented with a coin search game which made this event more interesting. There are performances by BANDTISTRY and Modern Dance, then closed with a door prize for the lucky participant. Bureau II hopes that this DENSRUN event will gain more spirit to do sports for all Universitas Trisakti community and the general public.