
Doctor’s Oath-Taking Ceremony Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti Class LIII Period IV 2023
The Medical Faculty (FK), Universitas Trisakti held a Doctor’s Oath-Taking Ceremony for Class of LIII Period IV, 2023 at Hotel Mulia Senayan Jakarta on October 25, 2023. There are 79 new Doctor graduates taking part in this Doctor’s Oath-Taking Ceremony, 26 of whom received the title ‘Cumlaude’. The best graduate in this period with the highest GPA is dr. Ni Putu Laksmi Ananda Martini with GPA of 3,88, the UKMPPD graduate with the highest CBT test score is dr. Jihan salsabila Anggoro Putri with score of 92,66 and the highest OSCE test score is dr. Fatimah Az Zahra with a score 91,46.
With these 79 new Doctor graduates, until now FK Universitas Trisakti has succeeded in graduating a total of 7477 Doctor. This Doctor’s Oath-Taking was also attended by invitees from the Main Teaching Hospital and affiliation, Puskesmas, IKA Usakti Alumni, IKA FK Usakti Alumni, and also from Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Jakarta. On this occasion, the Dean of Medical Faculty Universitas Trisakti said that improvement in medical science and technology is a necessity, especially in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, so we must continue to improve our skills as medical professionals by updating and adapting to advances in science and medical technology, including the improvement with artificial intelligence which will also spread to the world of medicine and health. The various key elements that have been explained above lead to aspects of humanism that must not be lost, because basically, the doctor-patient relationship is a human-to-human relationship.
Congratulations to all new medical graduates who took the oath today, hopefully, they can make a real contribution to all of humanity and can make the Medical Faculty, Universitas Trisakti proud wherever they are.