
Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Trisakti Student becomes the Finalist for the 2023 DKI Jakarta Museum Ambassador
DKI Jakarta Museum Ambassador Event was held again. After the selection process, there are 18 males and 18 females were selected as the finalists for the 2023 Jakarta Musem Ambassador. One of the talented students from Universitas Trisakti, Savrinda Annistri (Faculty of Dentistry 2019) selected to be one of the female finalists for Jakarta Museum Ambassador. Her participation hopefully could be an inspiration for young people to help preserve history and culture, especially in the DKI Jakarta area.
Before entering the final stage, all finalists of the 2023 Jakarta Museum Ambassador will undergo an intensive quarantine and debriefing process. On this briefing activity, the May 12 1998 Tragedy Museum Universitas Trisakti was honored to participate in supporting this activity.
For 2 days, October 27-28, 2023 all finalists will get material from various speakers. One of them will be presented by Resita Kuntjoro-Jakti, an alumnus from Visual Communication Design, Universitas Trisakti. She will give material about Museum Program Creation so that the finalists can be more understand how a museum can be an informative and interesting forum.
Not only that, all finalists have an opportunity to visit the May 12 1998 Tragedy Museum, Universitas Trisakti. The enthusiasm from the finalists was seen when they visited the museum. Some of the finalists actively asked and discussed during the museum tour. At the end of this event, all finalists also visited the Trisakti Tragedy Monument.