
FGD Preparation for Technical Instruction for the Incubation Program MBKM Entrepreneurship Next Level: Increase in Obtaining Venture Capital
Universitas Trisakti Business Incubator Center held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to prepare technical instruction for the incubation program MBKM Entrepreneurship Next Level with the theme “Increasing in Obtaining Venture Capital”. FGD, which was held from Tuesday, October 31 until November 2, 2023, at ASTON Kartika Grogol Hotel & Conference Center, was the second FGD in the context of Kampus Merdeka Competition Program (PK-KM) 2023. The first FGD was a month ago with the theme, Increasing and Equitable Participation of Incubation Program MBKM Entrepreneurship Next Level.
The purpose of this FGD is to provide the technical instruction for the incubation program MBKM Entrepreneurship Next Level: increase in obtaining venture capital Kamus Merdeka Competition Program (PK-KM), so that the startup can be further developed with the financial assistance provided for prototype development, improve production capacity, legality, and promotion. This FGD was attended by 12 entrepreneurship mentors/lecturers who represent the study program at Universitas Trisakti, with 3 speakers: Ifran Fadlurrahman (Investment Senior Associate Mandiri Capital Indonesia), Agung Wibowo (CEO and Founder, and Norico Gaman (Partner/Director PT EurAsia Kapital Investindo).
On the first day, the event was opened by Vice-rector 1, who on this occasion was represented by Dr. Ir. Ramadhani Yanidar, MT, followed by prayer reading by Dr. Ir. Mohammad Ischak, M.T. and direction from the Director of LPPM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, M.T., IPM. The first presentation was started by Ifran Fadlurrahman with moderator Imam Kisowo, S.T., M.M. In this session, a complete introduction to the world of venture funding is discussed, in more detail, getting to know venture capital and how it works, assessing startup valuation like how to calculate and understand the value of a startup, and important documents in funding.
The second material presentation was about Securities Crowd Funding by Agung Wibowo, the CEO and Founder of In this session, Due Diligence was discussed, about process, challenge, and how to prepare it. Then the material about an exit strategy for startups was also presented, studying exit methods such as share sales, mergers, or IPOs, as well as discussion about how to network with the investor.
The last material presentation was presented by Norico Gaman (Partner/ Director PT EurAsia Kapital Investindo) with the theme of startup company funding. In this session, there are more details about how to prepare an interesting pitch, prepare team and company culture, communication strategy and techniques when at the negotiation step, and sharing about case studies from a startup that successfully got funding. The second session was closed by a discussion moderated by Agung Sasongko, S.T., M.M., and followed by Juknis draft writing.
On the second day, Wednesday, November 1, 2023, the first session was started by the first-day activity discussion recap, followed by the second session, Juknis draft writing. On this second day, also held presentations from each team about the Juknis draft that had been written.
On the last day, Thursday, October 2, 2023, FGD was closed by finalization of technical direction writing from each team as well as the summary about important things that can be taken and lessons learned. This session ended the second series of FGD that had been held. Hopefully, the technical direction that had been written can increase the amount of venture capital for the tenants in Business Incubator Center, Unversitas Trisakti.