
FTI Universitas Trisakti Collaboration for ESG Implementation in Palm Oil Agroindustry
In an effort to improve the collaboration with the partners, the Faculty of Industrial Engineering (FTI) Universitas Trisakti held a renewal collaboration agreement with their 2 partners, PT Skytech Berjaya Metro, a company that provides financial applications and plantation agro-industry operations ( and PT Emliku Smart Technology (, a company that provides information and industrial technology solution, especially for the product from Taiwan. The two partners already collaborated with FTI Universitas Trisakti for more than five years.
An official meeting was held on Monday, November 6 2023 in the main meeting room of FTI Universitas Trisakti, witnessed by the heads of Faculties and Departments and the leader from the two partners.
During the event, a renewal of cooperation ties was also carried out, which was outlined in the Cooperation Agreement (MoA) text, which consists of an agreement on the implementation of ESG in the Palm Oil Agroindustry, by optimizing the implementation of Industry 4.0. Collaboration emphasizes the digitization of integrated and intelligent plantation and factory management.
The collaboration text was signed by the Dean of FTI Universitas Trisakti Prof. Dr. Ir. Rianti Dewi Sulamet-Ariobimo, ST, M.Eng, IPM, and representatives from the leaders of each partner.