
Inspiration, collaboration, and learning at the 2023 APMAA Annual Conference
Magister of Accounting Program, Faculty Economics and Business Universitas Trisakti collaborated with Asia Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMMA) were held an annual conference with the theme “Challenges and Opportunities to Management Accounting in the Digital Era”, hybridly on October, 25-26 2023.
This international conference was attended by participants from all Asia Pacific countries like Japan, Canada, China, Korea and other Asia Pacific countries. This is the second time Universitas Trisakti has been a co-host for the APMMA annual conference. Head of Magister of Accounting Program FEB Universitas Trisakti, Dr. Sekar Mayangsari, Ak., CA., MSi., CMA was the chair conference for this event.
The conference was opened by Vice Rector I Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Ir. Astri Nugrahanti, M.S., Ph.d., IPU who in his speech said “This conference is also a forum for establishing relationships, expanding professional networks, and building collaborations that will have a positive impact on the development of the accounting field globally.”