
Friday, 10 November 2023
Oleh: adminpromosi
KUM-ITT International to Japan: After the success of Batch 1, 2nd Batch Program on May 2024 Immediately Followed Up
KUM-ITT International to Japan: After the success of Batch 1, 2nd Batch Program on May 2024 Immediately Followed Up
In order for Universitas Trisakti to become a respected university in the world, the Independent Business Lecture – Applied Technology Science (KUM-ITT) held a field activity on Ainoshima Island and Kitakyushu, Japan on October, 10-21, 2023. Before leaving for Japan, all students received a briefing from Prof.Dr.Ir Astri Rinanti,SSi,MT,IPM (Director of LPPM), Dr.Ir.M Ischak,MT (Vice Director of LPPM), Ir Wawan Kurniawan,MT,IPM(Head of KUM-ITT), Indriyani Rachman, PhD (Kitakyushu University) and Miftahul Huda. There is a total of 12 students from 5 faculties, are:
- Faculty of Law (2 students): Keisyha Amanda Putri and Muhammad Irfan Fadhil
- Medical Faculty (1 student): Josephine Sasmita
- Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology (1 student from Mining Engineering Study Program): Kisal Albrian Gheraldy S
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (Architecture Study Program: 1 student): Tanisha Aemeilia Setya Dharma and Chiara Keisya Razita
- Industrial Technology Faculty (Industrial Technology Study Program: 6 students): Husniyah Hiyami Lutfiyah Nusi, Bagas Maheswara, Shadrina Putri Nabila, Ciptaning Nurfitri, Alyendra Mahagothra Usada and Daffa Meidi Satrio
Also, there are four field assistant lecturers: Dr. Ir. M. Ischak, MT., Dr. Winnie Septiani, ST., MS., Ir. Wawan Kurniawan,MT,IPM and Astari Minarti,ST,MT
KUMITT Program that has been implemented are:
- Cultural exchange with Kitakyushu students
- Marine Cleaning on Ainoshima Island
- Plastering work on the grounds of Kitakyushu Mosque
- Trisakti teaches students at Hibikino Kitakyushu Elementry School
All students also did a learning visit activity about the success of Kitakyushu in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program, especially good environment management at Kitakyushu Environmental Museum, local government library, Underwater Environment Museum, Eco Town, Biotope, Yamada Green Zone, Manga Museum, Sustainable Technology Soap Industry and Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). At IGES, students held discussions and presentations about their activities that have been done in Japan and also discussed the environmental problems, both in Indonesia and Japan. Apart from that, students also explained the root causes of environmental governance in Indonesia and created an action plan to improve the environment in Indonesia.
At the end of this International KUM-ITT activity, each student received a certificate for participating in International KUM-ITT from Kitkyushu University and certificates from the Kitakyushu Islamic Culture Center (KICC), Kitakyushu Environmental Museum, Eco Town, Biotope and Marine Museum. The output of KUM-ITT International is in the form of posters, PowerPoint presentations (PPT), activity videos, and 3 IPRs – Copyright. Kitakyushu University gave their appreciation to the students because they took every activity seriously, were active in every discussion, and poured their souls and souls into community service, such as at the Kitakyushu Mosque making the mosque grounds and Marine Cleaning on Ainoshima Island, actively communicating in English and Japanese.
The 2nd Batch of International KUM-ITT to Ainoshima Island and Kitaksyuhu City, Japan will be held on 10-21 May 2024 with the registration link: and registration closes on 28 February 2024. Contact Person: Ir. Wawan Kurniawan, MT, IPM (Phone Number: 08129105646).
We hope that this International KUJM-ITT activity to Japan will provide benefits for Universitas Trisakti students to play an active role in increasing the success of the SDGs program in Indonesia and also help in building Trisakti University to international standards.
KUM-ITT Headquarters
LPPM Usakti