
Inspiring the Future: Info Session GDSC Faculty of Industrial Technologies Universitas Trisakti Successfully Held
Students from the Faculty of Industrial Technologies Universitas Trisakti, on Saturday, November 18, 2023, gathering online or offline at the Info Session Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) event. The event was held at E Building, Room AE 702 has the purpose of introducing GDSC as a Faculty Level Organization (OTF) on Campus and also discussing the GDSC activity planning for the next year. The event opened with a speech from Chief Executive, Radea Aji Prasojo and a presentation of the GDSC vision by the Chairman of GDSC, Farhan Fadhillah Harahap.
Also, attended and gave motivation in the middle of the event, the Faculty Advisor GDSC, Anung Ariwibowo, and representatives from Vice-Dean 3, Sucipto Adisuwiryo. All participants who majority are members of GDSC actively involved in discussions questions and answers, as well as discussing the next activity planning. Participants who did not attend directly but online also got the opportunity to participate by giving their opinions.
The warm, enthusiastic, and interactive atmosphere showed the high enthusiasm of students for self development and participation in GDSC event. It is hoped that through the GDSC Info Session activities of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti University, this will be a promising first step in building a shared future in the world of technology.