
Online Scholarship Competition 2023 Offers Full Scholarship until Graduation at Universitas Trisakti
Hundreds of students from various high schools in Jakarta attended the Online Scholarship Competition (OSC) 2023 roadshow at Auditorium D Building, Campus A Universitas Trisakti. Universitas Trisakti which is one of 21 universities partnering with Surya Edukasi Bangsa Foundation was one of the campuses visited by the OSC 2023 roadshow. Universitas Trisakti has collaborated with this first online scholarship competition since 2015, and every year, Trisakti offers 20 full scholarships for various study programs. Until now, there are 160 winners students who got the full scholarship from Universitas Trisakti.
OSC 2023 roadshow opened with a speech from the Rector of Universitas Trisakti Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, and Vice Rector IV, Prof. Dr. drg. Tri Erri Astoeti, M.Kes. Also attended this event were two Media Group officials who are alumni of Universitas Trisakti the Head of Surya Edukasi Bangsa and CEO of Media Group, Muhammad Mirdal Akib, and Vice President of Corporate Communication Media, Fifi Aleyda Yaya alongside Editor in Chief, Indra Maulana.
“Students must continue to actively pursue knowledge because the future of Indonesia is in their hands. Young people will be the ones who determine the realization of a golden Indonesia in 2045 so that the dream of becoming one of the largest economic countries in the world will be achieved,” said Mirdal Akib.
“We want to minimize children graduating from high school who don’t go on to college. So, this gives high school students access to anywhere, to get full tuition and don’t need to come to campus for tests. This is our form and commitment to developing humans and this can be realized through education,” added Indra Maulana.
At the end of this event, two past winner, Khairani Kusumaningtyas and Gina Zhafira Hidayati shared their experiences when they participated in this competition until finally won the scholarship. Khairani Kusumaningtyas currently works at the Directorate General of Housing, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) after previously winning the full scholarship from OSC and graduating as the best student from the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti in 2017. Meanwhile, Ghina Zhafira Hidayati who comes from Riau, is still a third-semester student at Interior Design Department Universitas Trisakti and has a nearly perfect GPA, of 3,95.
The registration process for OSC 2023 started on August 7, 2023, and will be closed on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. After that, all the students who have been registered will take an online test on November 4, 2023, until whoever qualifies will join the final test on December 2, 2023. The winners of the Online Scholarship Competition not only will get full scholarships for eight semesters at partner campuses of Surya Edukasi Bangsa Foundation but also could get education savings from BRI Peduli, the opportunity for internship and working at Media Group, and get all living cost help while studying.
News Source: Public Relations Universitas Trisakti