
Opening Ceremony of the Series of Activity for the 58th Anniversary Universitas Trisakti: Celebration of Achievement, Spirit and Inspiration
Universitas Trisakti will celebrate its 58th anniversary on November 29, 2023. To enliven this activity, a series of events will be held. The opening ceremony of the series of activities was held on October 31, 2023, at the Auditorium on C Building and was opened by the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA. And also attended by the Dean, Vice Dean, and representatives from the Universitas Trisakti community.
Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning who is also the Chief Executive of the 58th Anniversary, Dr. Ir. A. Hadi Prabowo, S.T., M.T. reported that apart from official events, and scientific orations, there were also competitions to support creativity.
The various competitions are:
Faculty performance assessment competitions
Sports competition
Arts and culture competitions
skills and creativity competitions for academics
Prof. Kadarsah in his speech said, “This celebration is not just an institution’s anniversary, but a call to continue moving forward. Let’s make this Anniversary an initial milestone to further strengthen our commitment to maintaining academic excellence, bridging diversity, and increasing the role of universities in creating positive change for society.”