
Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA Officially inaugurated as the 65th Professor of Universitas Trisakti
Vice-Rector II of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA, on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, was officially inaugurated as a Professor of Universitas Trisakti. Took place at D Building, 8th Floor, Campus A Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA to be the 65th professor in Universitas Trisakti. Vice Rector I, Prof. Ir. Asri Nugrahanti, MS, PhD, IPU chaired the Universitas Trisakti Open Session with a single event, the inauguration of Universitas Trisakti Professor opened the session by tapping the gavel three times.

The event then continued with the reading of Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA Curriculum Vitae by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian, MM. And after that, Prof. Khomsiyah also read her inauguration speech with the theme “Corporate Governance Failure: Is a New Theory Needed?”. In her inaugurated speech, Prof Khomsiyah stated that the concept of Corporate Governance (CG) emerged to overcome problems that occur in business.
“The purpose of CS is to help build trust to encourage long-term investment, financial stability and business integrity so it will support the strongest growth and more inclusive society. And because of that, CG is very important which is one of them is to form a framework inside the company,” said Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA.

However, failure occurs in Corporate Governance, where most of the because of financial report manipulation scandals such as those at many corporations like Enron, Parmalat, China Forestry, etc. Because of that, Prof. Khomsiyah feels that a new theory is needed to regulate corporate governance, Ethical Theory. According to Prof Khomsiyah, ethical theory itself is ultimately the task of academics to test it again empirically.
At the end of the event, Prof. Khomsiyah expressed his gratitude to all parties who had helped and provided support to her, especially her family, until she finally succeeded in achieving the highest title in the world of education, Professor. Prof. Khomsiyah even received a surprise with the arrival of the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, who was originally unable to attend. Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA appeared in the middle of the entertainment event while playing the harmonica and then said congratulations to Prof Khomsiyah.
Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Khomsiyah, Ak, CA, FCMA, CGMA for the highest title achieved, a Professor.