
Students from the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology did a ‘Field Trip’ to Akita Japan
On October 16-22 2023, 10 students from the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology (FTKE) with 2 lecturers did a Field Trip to Akita, Japan. This was one of the collaboration implementations from Universitas Trisakti and Akita University. On this occasion, students had an opportunity to study the ‘Petroleum System’ in the Oga Peninsula area, Akita by visiting Outcorp which consists of the source rock, reservoir rock, and cap rock of the system, and also observing several bobbed pipes that are still operating in the area.
Students also learned about gold mining under the surface, called “Osarizawa Mining”, by exploring the “sub-surface tunnel” for more than 2 kilometers and observing the minerals in the mining directly. On this occasion, students also had the opportunity to visit the Geological Museum owned by Akita University and the National Science Museum in Ueno, Tokyo, before returning to Jakarta.
Hopefully, this activity will benefit the students and positively contribute to efforts to achieve Universitas Trisakti with international standards.