
Studying Outside the Class Room, Museum of May 12 Tragedy Becomes a Destination for Students From FISIP UI and FH Universitas Trisakti
More than 35 students from the International Relations Study Program FISIP Universitas Indonesia and the Faculty of Law (FH) Universitas Trisakti filled the May 12 Tragedy Museum Universitas Trisakti. The visit from students is a part of the “Napak Tilas 1998” excursion that was held on Saturday, November 4, 2023.
The May 12 Tragedy Museum as one of the museums that has a story about the Reformation Event, is often a learning destination from various aspects like politics, law, history, etc.
From the collections of the museum, students are invited to return to the May 12, 1998. Bhatara Ibnu Reza, SH, M.Si, LL.M, Ph.D as a lecturer from the Faculty of Law Universitas Trisakti and 1998 activist, directly gave the explanation to all the students. Students also actively asked and discussed about 1998 era and the implications for today’s period.
“Don’t just be proud of the name Universitas Trisakti and Universitas Indonesia, all of you must be proud because you can inherit the fire of struggle from your predecessors,” said the FH Universitas Trisakti alumni that also a commissioner of the Prosecutor’s Commission of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Napak Tilas event ended with a photo session at Trisakti Tragedy Monument. Apart from Napak Tilas, the students also receive public lectures from a speaker that competent in their field.