
Three Tenants of the Trisakti Business Incubator Receive Funding from the Kampus Merdeka Entrepreneurship Competition 2023
Eight tenants who participated in the Next Level Entrepreneurship Business and MBKM Incubation Program at Business Incubator Center, LPPM Universitas Trisakti have pitched in front of the external and internal judges. The member of external judges team are from MIKTI (Indonesia Digital Creative Industry Community) Dibya Pradana, S.T., M.kom., Dr. Dina Dellyana, MBA, CBAP, CSM, CPC, and Indra Purnama, S.T., M.T. Meanwhile, the internal judges from Universitas Trisakti are Prof. Dr. Ir. Astri Rinanti, M.T., IPM, Dr. Ir. Mohammad Ischak, M.T., and Emelia Sari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
From the evaluation results, 3 tenants were selected to receive funding in the form of business capital of Rp. 10.000.000 / tenant from grant program PK-KM 2023 (Kampus Merdeka Competition Program). This funding will be used to develop the Minimum Viable Product / Prototype, manage business legality, procure production resources, and promote it so that it is ready to do mass production.
Three tenants who succeded in receiving incentive assistance were with the members Fadilla Kindi Pangestika, Imelda Dwi Lestari, Salwa Hayati, and Siti Rohmah Aladanianti Ainnaya from the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Trisakti, Analog for Kids with their members Raihan Cecarrio Rubiyanto and Yogi Setyawan from Industrial Technology Faculty and Naufal Fahri M.T from Faculty of Economics and Business and then Saturasi Wearhouse with members Difi Anwarsyah and Hendrik Maulana Devandi from the Faculty of Economics and Business.
Congratulations to the selected tenants, hopefully, this can inspire the academic community so that more startups will be born from Trisakti University.