
Through Innovation and Collaboration, FSRD Universitas Trisakti Presents Transformation by “Creative Village: Community Empowerment in 4 Villages in Parung Panjang, Kab. Bogor”
The Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) Universitas Trisakti did community empowerment to Cibunar Village, Jagabita, Lumpang, and Gintung Cilejet in Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency at the Fundamental Building stage during May – October 2023, until finally the program presentation was held on November 20, 2023, in Gallery R Building, Campus A, Universitas Trisakti.
This event was also attended by the Rector and all Vice-Rector, Dean and all Vice-Dean, Head of Partnership, Human Resources and EKRAF (DISBUDPAR Bogor), Executive VP CSR PT. Pegadaian, Head of the Center for Visual and Environmental Design Studies, Head of Jagabita Village, Head of the Rumah Anak Bumi Foundation, MSME business actors from 4 villages, and the academic community of FSRD Universitas Trisakti.
Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., said in his speech that the result of this significant development of empowerment was able to advance the region in terms of the quality of its human resources, utilization of local resources, in this case, crafts from bamboo, used tires and cloth which are processed into goods that worth selling. The final result of the progress of a particular area is a happy thing for Universitas Trisakti which has certainly contributed to empowering village communities in Parung Panjang.
The presentations of the three program implementing parties, the Visual and Environmental Design Study Center FSRD Usakti, Rumah Anak Bumi Foundation, and PT Pegadaian, told various inspiring stories, achievements, and innovations that had been carried out. Program implementation starts from efforts to develop local potential, skills training programs, to the use of technology and art to advance the local economy.
This program hopefully can be sustained to the second term next year, from three terms which have been planned, so can benefit the people of Parung Panjang Village and inspire creative thinking in all of us.
News Source: Public Relations Universitas Trisakti