
TRIEBI FEB Universitas Trisakti Held a Safety and Healthy Work in Higher Education Environment Seminar
In term of 58th Dies Natalis Universitas Trisakti, Trisakti Institute of Education and Business (TRIEBI) in collaboration with the Doctoral Program in Economic Science, Concentrating in Public Policy and DKEN held a seminar with the theme “The Roles of K3 (Safety and Healthy Work) in Higher Education Environment and Carrer Opportunity” on Wednesday, November 9, 2023. TRIEBI is one of the affiliation units under the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti.
The event was officially opened by the Rector of Universitas Trisakti, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of this activity to remind each other about K3.
“The accidents in work not only have a momentary impact but also will have a long-term impact,” said the Rector of Universitas Trisakti.
As an opening, this seminar was presented by the Director General of Labor Supervision Development and Work Safety (Binwasnaker & K3) of the Ministry of Manpower, Dr. Haiyani Rumondang, MA. who was the Keynote Speaker at this seminar.
“University also a work environment. K3 implementation can prevent and overcome a work accident, and also create a safe and comfortable room. Apart from that, K3 implementation will certainly help to learn,” said Dr. Haiyani Rumondang, MA in his presentation.
This seminar also invited other speakers, Prof. Muhammad Zilal Hamzah, Ph.D; Dr. dr. Sudi Astono, M.S.; Subkhan, S.T., M.SPDA; and Rice Rozalia, S. STP., M.Si. This event was also attended by representatives from faculties in Universitas Trisakti and students that interested in career opportunities in the field of work safety.