
Universitas Trisakti Becomes Co-Host in “The Global Project-Based Learning (gPBL)” Camp Event at Suranaree Institute of Technology, Thailand
Universitas Trisakti became the co-host in “The Global Project-Based Learning (gPBL)” Camp Event which was held at Suranaree Institute of Technology Campus, Thailand. The theme of this event is Bio-Circular Green Exonomy.
This event took place hybridly on November 7-12, 2023, and was attended by students from ASEAN countries. About 39 students from Universitas Trisakti participated in this event. In the activity coordinated by the Office of International Affairs, Cooperation, and Culture, three lecturers from Universitas Trisakti were a speaker. They are:
- Amalia Zuhra SH, LLM, PhD (Faculty of Law)
- Dr.Eng. Ersan Y Muslim, M.Sc.Eng (Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology)
- Dr. drg. Johan Arief Budiman, Sp.Ort, MPd (Faculty of Dentistry).
This gPBL activity consists of a special lecture, a field trip to Khao Yai, and learning about Thailand’s culture as well as a project that relates to BCG Economy. The team from Universitas Trisakti became runner-up for Best Project and got “Top Like” at TikTok.