
Universitas Trisakti Welcomes Campus Visit Group from SMAK IPEKA Balikpapan
Universitas Trisakti received a visit from a group of SMA Kristen IPEKA Balikpapan, on Friday, November 3, 2023. About 50 students of SMAK IPEKA Balikpapan guided by their teachers attended on Auditorium 12th Floor M Building, Campus A Universitas Trisakti Jakarta. The event opened with remarks from the Head of Public Relations Universitas Trisakti Dr. drg. Dewi Priandini, Sp.PM.
In his remarks, Dr. drg. Dewi Priandini, Sp.PM. Said that Universitas Trisakti is one of the oldest and the best universities in Indonesia. Because of that, the visit from IPEKA Balikpapan students is very in line with the objectives of the Campus Visit, because this university has the best experiences in the educational world. The event then continued with an introductory presentation on Universitas Trisakti by the Head of the Promotion Sub Unit, Mrs. Debbie Kemala Sari, ST, MBA, MT.

Meanwhile, the representative from SMAK IPEKA Balikpapan students on this occasion expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome from Universitas Trisakti. The student who from XI Grade also expressed her admiration for Universitas Trisakti which is considered the campus with a long history and has extraordinary facilities to support teaching and learning activities.
At the end of this event, all SMAK IPEKA Balikpapan students have a chance to visit the May 12 Tragedy Museum and tour the facilities at several faculties on Campus A, Universitas Trisakti