FOKUS 2023 – BACK TO CAMPUS: Updating Skills And Knowledges In Dentistry Through Applied Technology and Community Services SKP PDGI & IKORGI
? 9 – 10 Desember 2023 Dalam rangka Dies Natalis Universitas Trisakti ke – 58, FKG Usakti mempersembahkan: *FOKUS 2023 – BACK TO CAMPUS*Updating Skills and Knowledge In Dentistry Trough Applied Technology and Community Services Sabtu & Minggu, 9 – 10 Desmber 2023Kampus B FKG Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta Barat Spesial Price:*Dokter Gigi*Seminar Start from 850kHands-on

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 2024/2025
Awali perjalanan suksesmu dari Universitas Trisakti! Jalur Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru: Ujian Saringan Masuk PSSB (Seleksi Nilai Rapor) Pindahan Siapkan dirimu untuk Ujian Saringan Masuk pada 9-10 Desember 2023. Mari bersama raih kesuksesanmu!

Trisakti English Club
*Dear fellow lecturers* *We proudly invite you to join the Trisakti English Club.* Don’t let language barriers hinder you from becoming part of the global community. Take your first step with us. We will provide an interactive way to practice your English with our native facilitator. The event will be held on: Day/ Date :Friday,